A few years ago, Greg suggested that I do a blog post showing some of the more interesting road signs that we have seen these past 6+ years of traveling the good ole U.S. of A. “That’s a terrific idea!” I exclaimed. I think he said this right around the time we saw a hilarious street sign in New Mexico of a cow with a UFO above it. (What’s the purpose of that one? A warning to keep your cows inside so that the aliens don’t beam them up?!) So, I immediately went back and searched for all the pictures I had already taken of various road signs and copied them into a separate folder which I have been adding to ever since. For such a time as this. I figure it’s fitting to start out with the cow abduction, since I did bring it up, and go from there. I will try not to do much captioning as the signs mostly speak for themselves. (And… I’m lazy.) As always, click on a picture to enlarge it for better viewing. So, without further ado and in no particular order…

Apache Junction – Arizona

Pig Crossing! – California

Flagstaff – Arizona



Saguaro NP – Arizona

I hope you enjoyed those as much as we did! We actually saw several more road signs that we didn’t get pictures of such as bison crossing, duck crossing, turtle crossing, rabbit crossing, burro crossing, tons of deer crossing signs, and more. And these are just the road signs…. Stay tuned for even MORE signs of the times!
In case you are wondering where in the world we are right now; we are hanging out in Texas for the next couple of months before we head to New Mexico, then Colorado and then…???
Stay Tuned as More Signs of The Times is coming soon! Until then….
Happy Trails & Sunny Sails