We are currently on the hunt for our next sailboat. If you or anyone you know has a great boat out there that you think we should know about, scroll down to the bottom of this page to see what we are looking for.
We started our sailing addiction on our very first sailboat: Genesis. We sailed her extensively for four years and we absolutely loved her. She was a terrific sailboat for where we sailed her on Lake Hartwell, but she was too small and not setup to allow us to spend more than a weekend or so at a time onboard. Thus, we sold her when we downsized (and sold basically everything!) to get our RV and start on this land journey over six years ago. Want to see some pictures of her? Did you see the link above? If not, just click on the picture of Genesis below.

We love our WHEELS and plan on keeping our Exodus as our home-base to live on and to continue our travels on land as well as our primary means to visit our grown kids and grandkids during hurricane season and then some. That said, we are now on the active hunt for our SAILS! We are specifically looking for a 36′-40′ monohull that is preferably 1990’s and newer. We have way too long of a must haves/really wants/it would be awesome ifs list to even begin to get into; but we have been doing our homework for years and we have an excellent idea of what we want and what can expect to get for our budget. Our preference is a blue water sailboat that is ICW and Bahama friendly, setup as a liveaboard, as off grid as possible, and filled with good old boat character (think teak and holly sole, lots of wood, portholes, arched doorways – you feel me?!?!) oh and good lighting is super important as well. See… we don’t want much! Here are some ideas of what we are looking for:

Anyway… you get the picture (or should I say pictures.) We are looking for an all around “good old boat” that we can fall in love with and call home. We also want plenty of living space for the two of us and that should be one of the easiest items to tick off our list. Fact is, since we are already accustomed to tiny living, plenty to us is significantly less than plenty to most. If you have or know of a boat that we may be interested in please don’t hesitate to contact us with the deets!