Tag Archives: wildlife

Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon is right up there as one of our absolute favorite national parks.  Honestly, we love them all and they are all so different that it’s getting harder and harder to decide which ones we like best.  The truth is, they are ALL on my list of favorites!  That said, Bryce was definitely a top five.  This was a day trip for us, so we left just after 9am and didn’t return to our tiny rolling home until almost midnight. We wanted to try to get some nighttime sky pictures, but it clouded up as the sun dropped so the stars were covered.  We were able to get different lighting though.  As you will see, the pictures towards the end were taken closer to dusk, so the lighting is different which changes the feel of the entire canyon.  It was a beautiful place.

As you can see Utah was a major hit for all of us.  We visited four different national parks during the three weeks that we stayed here and we thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them.  We are now in Idaho and are again daily awed by the beauty of God’s creation.  He really has blessed the U.S.A. more than most people realize.  Stay tuned for my next post to see some Idaho beauty.

Happy Trails and Sunny Sails!