Tag Archives: california

Because life happens… right now it’s happening in Palm Springs

It has been six weeks since my last post and during that time we have experienced no less than six major life events.   I hope to not go so long between posts from here on out, but as you will soon see, I’ve been a bit on the busy side.

If you read my most recent post (you know the one in which I promised to write a Part 2 – which is not gonna happen), I was in North Carolina for the birth of our fourth grandchild and our very first grandson, Fisher!  That was actually the second event though.  Before I get ahead of myself, here are the major events, in order of occurrence.  Drumroll please….

EVENT #1 – Our youngest son, Elijah, turned 15 years old!

EVENT #2 – My (Pamela’s) trip to NC to see my other granddaughters and meet my grandson, Fisher!

EVENT #3 – Thanksgiving!

EVENT #4 – Our oldest granddaughter, Saylor, turned 6 years old!

EVENT #5 – We flew our third kiddo/middle son, J.Jay in from college for Christmas!

EVENT #6 – CHRISTmas!!!!!  Our first full-timing Christmas in our 5th wheel.

Now you can see why I haven’t posted in a while.  I’ve been busy!!!!  Greg took the boys to tour Los Angeles, Malibu, and Hollywood today and then they are staying at a hotel close to the airport so he can drop J.Jay off for his flight back to Furman University tomorrow.  I stayed home with Saylor so they could get some serious sight seeing in before he flies back home as it would have been too much for a six year old.  I guess that’s major event #7!  I was sad to have to say goodbye to J.Jay, especially a day early.  I miss him already.

I am going to attempt to write some shorter travel journal type posts of specific places that we have visited and/or stayed at and post them during the next week or so.  Please note though that the keyword here is attempt. My exhaustion from the 24/7ness of raising my granddaughter, Saylor, coupled with my multiple sclerosis tendency to exhaustion anyway, does not do much for my attempts to blog lately…  but I will attempt it nonetheless! I want to do one on Joshua Tree National Park; one on Soledad Canyon RV Resort, that we stayed in for 5 weeks in Acton, California before coming to Palm Springs; one on the Palm Springs area; probably one on Vasquez Rocks State Park…  and more.  My goal is to get caught up on some of what we’ve seen and done these past six weeks.  Keep an eye out!

From our home to yours – Happy New Year!

Happy Trails and Sunny Sails in 2017 and beyond.