Today was our VERY FIRST day doing our homeschool in our new home on wheels. I know most full timers call it roadschooling, but I am a bit too old school. I’ve homeschooled for 22 years and I just can’t roll with the new lingo. (All puns intended.) Anyway, I am very happy to report that it was EASY PEASY and according to Elijah, not much different than doing school in our old (huge) classroom. He first did his computer work, then we put the laptop away so he could utilize the entire table for his book work.
The red bins you see on the chairs hold our daily school books. His are in one and my teachers books/keys are in the other. When not being used, we store them behind the theater seats so they are out of sight, yet easily accessible. I store my plan book in the seat storage compartment of one of the dining room chairs and we have anything and everything else we might need nicely organized in the overhead bins.
Today we had a very productive school day and I even threw in a little unit study about the history of Paris Mountain and it’s role in helping Greenville become what it is today. (Hint, hint… water!)
It was a beautiful, short-sleeve 67 degrees sunny day, so after he finished his school we took our goldendoodle, Popeye, for a 2 mile hike.
On our walk, Elijah informed me that he was surprised that school in the fifth wheel was really no different than school in our old home. SCORE! Then he proceeded to talk my ear off during our entire hike. I just listened, smiled, and thanked the Lord for this quality one on one time I have been blessed with.
I must admit that I too was able to breathe a huge sigh of relief during our after school hike. Although I should have already known this, I also learned today that homeschooling on a fifth wheel is really not any more difficult than homeschooling in a huge classroom…. As long as you are organized, that is!
Happy Trails & Sunny Sails!